Your 2012 AHL Outdoor Classic Photos
Photo by @matthewhscher
Just over a week ago we asked you to send us your photos from the 2012 AHL Outdoor Classic between Hershey and Adirondack, and boy, did you guys rise to the occasion!
@svatuna sent us photos from her seat and the Bears getting ready for the national anthem!
@PhilsBearsCaps shows us her view for Bears warm-ups! (Is that Kyle I see behind the net?)
@Rhdvm and the “Section 122 crazies!”
@matthewhscher and his buddies outside section 140
@kyle_mace sends us…wait a second…
@bcfdstifler gives us a cool shot of the ice after the gates are opened
@make_lemons shares a panoramic of Citiznes Bank Park. Check out her full album on flickr.
Kaycie Lee G. from Facebook shares a photo of Braden Holtby
Lindsay G. from Facebook sent us a whole album from the game on her Facebook.
Thanks to everybody who sent in photos! And if you forgot to send in your photo or just didn’t get the time to get them off your memory card, still Tweet them to us on Twitter or post them to our Facebook page! We would love to see them and add them to this story!