A New Date for “A Night at the Old Barn”
Hopefully the third time will be the charm. After being rescheduled due to historic floods and snow storms, “A Night at the Old Barn” has been rescheduled for Friday December 2nd at 5:30. This is a time change from the original 5:00 start time.
From the Hershey Derry Township Historical Society facebook page:
We know you’ve heard this one before but we have rescheduled the 15th Annual Hershey-Derry Township Historical Society Preservation Dinner for Friday, December 2, 2011. Please check your calendars and plan to join us … come freak snow storms or high water! Additional tickets are now available if you don’t have them already. If you can’t make this new date, please contact the Historical Society by 11/18. Please note: We’ll start at 5:30 p.m. instead of 5. See you at Hersheypark Arena on the 2nd! We mean it this time!
Nicole Soliday from the Hershey-Derry Township Historical Society has informed me that they will have an additional 30-40 tickets available to the previously sold out dinner. If you didn’t get a chance to get tickets to the previous date(s), now is your chance to be a part of this event.
“A Night at the Old Barn” will feature cocktails, dinner, silent auction, tours and moving presentations that chronicle the history of the Arena. An extensive collection of Hershey Bears and Hersheypark Arena memorabilia will be on display.
The keynote speaker is legendary sports commentator and former Hershey resident, Mike Emrick, who is noted mostly for his work in ice hockey.
There is also now a list of all the silent auction items. This event will be one to remember and SHoE will also be there to cover it.