Steve Oleksy Tweeting His Day for Social Media Night
Saturday night is the second ever social media night for @TheHersheyBears, and Bears defenseman, @StevenOleksy, is tweeting his day for everybody to see! Check out what he has tweeted so far below the jump.
10:04 am – Waking up for the day
Good morning followers just woke up. Usually we are at the rink by 9 but after a long road & getting in at 3am the team meeting is at 11.
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
As today goes feel free to retweet, favorite, or ask any questions you may have. #HBH @thehersheybears
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
10:46 am – Arriving at Giant Center
Just pulled up to the rink for team meeting and Pre game skate. Welcome to the Giant Center. #unrealFans #HBH twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
11:55 am – Answering a few quesions
@oreo1236:@stevenoleksy after tonight’s game will sign & take pictures with people outside? #HBH always! Anytime all you have to do is ask
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
12:03 pm – @jondisalvatore crashes the party
I interrupt @stevenoleksy day of telling you everything that he is doing to tell you he just did an interview twitter.com/jondisalvatore
— Jon DISalvatore (@jondisalvatore) October 27, 2012
12:16 pm – Some of Steve’s pre-game rituals
After Pre game I always hot &cold tub. Along with prep my equipment roll out & stretch. The interview was a surprise. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
1:47 pm – Getting a little shopping in…
Did a little Pre game shopping, cooked, and now I’m ready to enjoy this delicious meal. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
2:47 pm – Working on that Halloween costume
Most people nap on game days but I like to stay busy. This afternoon I worked on my Halloween costume. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
4:27 pm Making some pre-game snacks
Just woke up made my favorite pre game snack a Almond butter, honey, almond, and banana sandwich with an iced coffee. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
4:41 pm – Arriving at Giant Center
At the rink at 5pm for the 7pm game. This will give me enough time 2 stretch, tape my stick &attend the team meetings. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
4:49 pm – Almost game time
This will be the last tweet until after the game. I don’t really have 2 many rituals except I always brush my teeth before warm ups & shower
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 27, 2012
5:58 pm – Stretching before warm-ups
DAY IN THE LIFE: @stevenoleksy 5:30 team meeting, now time to stretch before warm-ups. #HBH twitter.com/TheHersheyBear
— Hershey Bears (@TheHersheyBears) October 27, 2012
10:29 pm – Game over, Bears win
Great game &big win for the @thehersheybears. Post game cool down bike, stretch, & cold tub. Now time to refuel with some food at Houlihans.
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 28, 2012
11:50 pm – The end of the day with…the Blue Man Group?
Great dinner including @carman_electra, a quick jam session on my new instrument & a few packages. #SickGifts twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 28, 2012
11:53 pm – The end to a long day
Great way to end this day!!! Thanks again for following and if you have any other questions I’d love to answer them. twitter.com/StevenOleksy/s
— Steven Oleksy (@StevenOleksy) October 28, 2012
Make sure to follow him if you have a Twitter account (and follow us, too!)