Stan Galiev Meets Lebanon Levi After Royals Game – Really (Photo)
Photo via Galiev’s Instagram Page
The star of the Discovery Channel hit TV show “Amish Mafia,” Lebanon Levi, is apparently a hockey fan (or has a score to settle). After meeting Garrett Mitchell at a Bears game last season, the reality TV star attended tonight’s Reading Royals – Elmira Jackals and took photos with players after the game, including Washington Capitals prospect Stan Galiev.
Lebanon (I’m pretty sure that’s not his legal first name) will be appearing at the Palmyra Dairy Queen on Sunday, November 3rd from 2-4pm and will be signing autographs and taking photos with fans.
Please don’t say anything mean about him in the comments below. I really don’t want one of his mafia guys taking a baseball bat to my windshield.