SHOE’s First Goal Contest
Do you want to win some sweet Bears memorabilia or autographs?
During the whole month of December, SHOE will be holding our first ever contest. Before each home Bears game, we will post a status asking for guesses who will have the first Bears goal that night. In the comments, you will guess who will score the goal and at what time to win a prize.
For example: Taffe, 1st, 7:11. That means the goal was scored by Jeff Taffe, in the first period, 7:11 into the first period (we will be using the official time from theahl.com to determine what the time is.)
If you are the first person to guess the goal correctly, you win the prize. It’s pretty simple.
We will be playing Price is Right Rules (closest without going over) with the times. So if nobody guesses the correct time (Ex: 7:11) and the goal was scored at 7:11, then the next closest guess that did not go over wins. 7:10 would be “over” because that time had passed. 7:12 would be a winner since that time had not happened yet. The equivalent to a $1 bid is 19:59, but please don’t be that guy. You must have the player and period correct to be eligible for the time.
- One winner per game.
- You must be liking our Facebook fan page to guess and win.
- Guesses must be made as comments under that game’s status post.
- Edited comments will be disqualified.
- Once the puck has been dropped, NO MORE GUESSES. PUCK DROP = HOCKEY TIME, NOT GUESSING TIME.
- The goal must be scored in regulation or overtime (if the game is tied 0-0.) The shootout shouldn’t be a thing, so we don’t count that.
- Within 24 hours of the end of the game, you must contact us with a Facebook message.
Prizes will roll over if nobody guesses correctly (or the Bears are shut out.)
Good luck and Happy Holidays!!