2014 SHOEY Awards: The Final Week
With races in our first ever SHOEY Awards very close, we decided to extend voting another week! We will count up the final votes Saturday, May 10th at midnight and announce all of the winners on Monday, May 12th. We still have two final categories to breakdown and they just happen to be the closest races of them all.
Flow of the Year
Cameron Schilling
Schilling’s hair progressed a bit from the beginning of the season to the final night of the 2013-14 campaign, but the whole time it was always a strong flow. We see some great hairstyles in Cameron’s future. Our guess for Cameron’s hair care product: Head and Shoulders.
Dustin Gazley
Gazley didn’t start the season with Hershey, but when he joined the Chocolate and White, the team’s flow level increased 100%. The guy’s hair is just a work of art. Thank goodness this flow is back in Chocolate Town for another season. Our guess for Dustin’s hair care product: Suave.
Nicolas Deschamps
Deschamps has always had one heck of a head of hair, including when he trimmed some off at the end of the season. Despite the late clean up, the flow was always strong with this one. Our guess for Nicolas’ hair care product: Dove.
Patrick Wellar
A bald guy against a bunch of guys with a lot of hair? “It’s not cruel enough that I lost my hair at 22,” he once said. If that quote from Wellar’s visit to Chocolate World doesn’t win him this award, we don’t know what will. Our guess for Patrick’s hair care product: Nair for Men.
Most Likely to be a Superhero
Pssssst…you can write in your own nominees below. Plus you’re allowed to vote multiple times. Again, the awards end Saturday, May 10th at midnight!
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