Your Thoughts and Opinions on Whiteboard-Gate
We asked you about what you thought about the whiteboard incident Sunday night during the Bears game against Lehigh Valley on our Twitter account Monday. There are a full range of opinions on the event, from people siding with security, siding with the Bears, and siding with the fan. Those, and more, are included in the tweets below.
@ChocHockey league needs to mandate that is unacceptable and should fine the phantoms. Regarding the fan, he could’ve handled it better.
Chris Geesey (@Bballdrummer21) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey LV should be penalized…they are the professionals. BUT…that fan is disruptive for other fans & that should be addressed too.
Eileen Daub (@daubie99) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey childish behavior resulted in more childish behavior. Phantoms should get fined and fan should be permanently relocated
HersheyBearsfan52 (@gmen316) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey He paid 4 his seat & unobstructed view.If he was wrong,he would’ve been ejected.LV s/b fined.They purposely set it up pre-game.
J_Wren (@pagirl1119) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey team should have been forced to remove it, problem solved and they should have shown the fan in the suite, on the big screen
eric gunther (@johndeer44) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey Its called “home ice advantage”. Chirping fans are a part of that….always have been. Bears shud be ? to have em #DefendTheDen.
Rick Hixenbaugh (@hixxey36) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey that guy is a joke. Had problem with him at another game I took my kids to. Security and the surrounding fans appoliged to us.
Billy Smith (@BillyBeachmont) November 3, 2015
@ChocHockey I sit in that section and that whiteboard and towel was blocking more than his view! #FreeGlenn
Jeff Zeiders (@jeffroz1) November 3, 2015
What do you think? Comment down below or tweet us your opinions to our account, @ChocHockey.