Sweetest Hockey on Earth’s 2014 SHOEY Awards
As the 2014 season has come to a close, us here at Sweetest Hockey on Earth came up with a new idea. As the Bears hold their awards each season, we decided to hold our own awards, but for things you might not think would normally get awards. We have come up with eight categories for you fans to vote on.
The categories for our first annual SHOEYs are as follows (Click the link to read a breakdown of the categories):
- Goal of the Year
- Fight of the Year
- Game of the Year (applied to a Player)
- Tweet of the Year
- Tweeter of the Year
- Social Media Champion
- Flow of the Year
- Most Likely to be a Superhero
Throughout this coming week, we will break down each category so you have more information on each nominee and why we decided they are willing of the Golden Puck Award. Below, you can vote for your favorite nominee by using the form or by clicking this link.
Voting ends May 2nd at 12:00:00 am EST. The winners will be relieved on May 5th, 2014 here on SHOE.
UPDATE: The race is too close! Keep voting for your favorite Bears and favorite moments down below!! Voting now will end May 10th at 12:00 am EST.
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[…] SHOEY Awards […]
[…] we announced our first ever “SHOEY” Awards! Throughout this week, we will be breaking down each category and the nominees. The first two are […]